Source code for common.helpers

__copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"

import hashlib
import random
import string

[docs]def model_form_data(model, form_class, form_kwargs={}): """ Returns a dict that can be used to instantiate a form object. It fills in the model's data, but filters out fields that are not on the form. Example: class Car(models.Model): brand = CharField(max_length = 50) fuel_tank_size = FloatField() # more fields class CreateCarForm(forms.ModelForm): fields = ['brand'] my_car = Car(brand='Nissan', fuel_tank_size=60) model_form_data(my_car, CreateCarForm) # returns {'brand': 'Nissan'} Note that the returned dict does not have a field 'fuel_tank_size', because it is not on the form. """ model_data = model.__dict__ form_fields = list(form_class(**form_kwargs).fields.keys()) return filter_keys(model_data, form_fields)
[docs]def random_arxiv_identifier_with_version_number(version_nr="0"): return random_arxiv_identifier_without_version_number() + "v" + str(version_nr)
[docs]def random_arxiv_identifier_without_version_number(): return random_digits(4) + "." + random_digits(5)
[docs]def random_scipost_journal(): return random.choice( ( "SciPostPhys", "SciPostPhysLectNotes", "SciPostPhysProc", "SciPostMath", "SciPostChem", ) )
[docs]def random_external_journal_abbrev(): return random.choice( ( "Ann. Phys.", "Phys. Rev. A", "Phys. Rev. B", "Phys. Rev. C", "Phys. Rev. Lett.", "Europhys. Lett.", "J. Math. Anal. Appl.", "Nat. Phys." "J. Phys. A", "J. Stat. Phys.", "J. Stat. Mech.", "J. Math. Phys.", "Lett. Math. Phys.", "Sov. Phys. JETP", "Sov. Phys. JETP", "Nucl. Phys. B", "Adv. Phys.", ) )
[docs]def random_pub_number(): return "%i.%i.%s" % (random.randint(1, 9), random.randint(1, 9), random_digits(3))
[docs]def random_scipost_doi(): return "10.21468/%s.%s" % (random_scipost_journal(), random_pub_number())
[docs]def random_scipost_report_doi_label(): return "SciPost.Report.%s" % random_digits(4)
[docs]def random_external_doi(): """ Return a fake/random doi as if all journal abbrev and pub_number are separated by `.`, which can be helpfull for testing purposes. """ journal = random.choice( ( "PhysRevA", "PhysRevB", "PhysRevC", "PhysRevLett", "nature" "S0550-3213(01)", "1742-5468", "0550-3213(96)", ) ) return "10.%s/%s.%s" % (random_digits(5), journal, random_pub_number())
[docs]def random_digits(n): return "".join(random.choice(string.digits) for _ in range(n))
[docs]def generate_orcid(): return "{}-{}-{}-{}".format( random_digits(4), random_digits(4), random_digits(4), random_digits(4), )
[docs]def filter_keys(dictionary, keys_to_keep): # Field is empty if not on model. return {key: dictionary.get(key, "") for key in keys_to_keep}
[docs]def get_new_secrets_key(salt="", salt2=""): key = salt or generate_orcid() for i in range(5): key += random.choice(string.ascii_letters) key = key.encode("utf8") return hashlib.sha1(key + salt2.encode("utf8")).hexdigest()