Source code for common.utils

__copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"

import datetime

from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.db.models import Q
from django.template import loader


[docs]def unaccent(text): """ Replace accented characters by unaccented ones. """ unaccented = text for key, val in CHARACTER_UNACCENTED.items(): unaccented = unaccented.replace(key, val) return unaccented
[docs]def alternative_spellings(text): """ From a string, return a list with alternative spellings. Text searches can be run with accents stripped away. This is however insufficient if character sequences are interpreted as accented characters. This method provides a set of alternative spellings based on beyond-ignoring-accents substitutions. The substitutions which are handled are: * ae to/from ä (also capitalized) * oe to/from ö (also capitalized) * ue to/from ü (also capitalized) Limitations: * each substitution in the substitutions dictionary is applied to the whole of the text string (so this does not cover cases where a text string has inconsistent spelling mixing the different alternatives) """ alternatives = set() for key, val in CHARACTER_ALTERNATIVES.items(): alternatives.add(text.replace(key, val)) return alternatives.difference((text,))
[docs]def Q_with_alternative_spellings(**lookup_dict): """ Dress an existing Q query with alternative spellings. Keyword parameters: - lookup_dict: a single-entry dict giving the query Conditions: - lookup_dict contains a single entry - the to-be-match item must be of string type """ if not len(lookup_dict) == 1: raise TypeError query = Q(**lookup_dict) query.connector = "OR" lookup = query.children[0][0] text = query.children[0][1] if not isinstance(text, str): raise TypeError(text) alts = alternative_spellings(text) for alt in alts: query.children.append((lookup, alt)) return query
[docs]def hslColorWheel(N=10, index=0, saturation=50, lightness=50): """ Distributes colors into N values around a color wheel, according to hue-saturation-lightness (HSL). index takes values from 0 to N-1. """ hue = int(index * 360 / N % 360) saturation = max(saturation, 0) saturation = min(saturation, 100) lightness = max(lightness, 0) lightness = min(lightness, 100) return "hsl(%s, %s%%, %s%%)" % (str(hue), str(saturation), str(lightness))
[docs]def workdays_between(date_from, date_until): """Return number of complete workdays. Given two datetime parameters, this function returns the number of complete workdays (defined as weekdays) separating them. """ _from = date_from _until = date_until if isinstance(date_from, datetime.datetime): _from = if isinstance(date_until, datetime.datetime): _until = duration = _until - _from days = int(duration.total_seconds() // 86400) weeks = int(days // 7) daygenerator = (_until - datetime.timedelta(x) for x in range(days - 7 * weeks)) workdays = 5 * weeks + sum(1 for day in daygenerator if day.weekday() < 5) return workdays
[docs]def jatsify_tags(text): """ Adds the `jats:` prefix to basic HTML tags. Nilpotent. """ tags = ["alternatives", "p", "inline-formula", "tex-math"] jatsified = text for tag in tags: jatsified = jatsified.replace(f"<{tag}>", f"<jats:{tag}>").replace( f"</{tag}>", f"</jats:{tag}>" ) return jatsified
[docs]def get_current_domain(): try: return Site.objects.get_current().domain except: return "fake.domain"
[docs]class BaseMailUtil(object): mail_sender = "no-reply@%s" % get_current_domain() mail_sender_title = ""
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, _dict, request=None): cls._context = _dict cls._context["request"] = request cls._context["domain"] = get_current_domain() for var_name in _dict: setattr(cls, var_name, _dict[var_name])
def _send_mail( cls, template_name, recipients, subject, extra_bcc=None, extra_context={} ): """ Call this method from a classmethod to send emails. The template will have context variables defined appended from the `load` method. Arguments: template_name -- The .html template to use in the mail. The name be used to get the following two templates: `email/<template_name>.txt` (non-HTML) `email/<template_name>.html` recipients -- List of mailaddresses to send to mail to. subject -- The subject of the mail. """ template = loader.get_template("email/%s.txt" % template_name) html_template = loader.get_template("email/%s.html" % template_name) cls._context.update(extra_context) message = template.render(cls._context) html_message = html_template.render(cls._context) bcc_list = [cls.mail_sender] if extra_bcc: bcc_list += extra_bcc email = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject, message, "%s <%s>" % (cls.mail_sender_title, cls.mail_sender), recipients, bcc=bcc_list, reply_to=[cls.mail_sender], ) email.attach_alternative(html_message, "text/html") email.send(fail_silently=False)