Source code for

__copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"

# Module for making external api calls as needed in the submissions cycle
import feedparser
import logging

from profiles.models import Profile

from .models import ConflictOfInterest

logger = logging.getLogger("scipost.conflicts.arxiv")

[docs]class ArxivCaller: """ ArXiv Caller will help retrieve author data from arXiv API. """ query_base_url = "{query}" def __init__(self): """ Init ArXivCaller. """"Update COI from arXiv") def _search_result_present(self, data): if len(data.get("entries", [])) > 0: return "title" in data["entries"][0] return False
[docs] def compare(self, author_profiles, relating_profiles, submission=None): """ Compare two list of Profiles using the arXiv API. """ count = 0 for profile in author_profiles: for rel_profile in relating_profiles: search_query = "au:({profile}+AND+({rel_profile}))".format( profile=profile.last_name, rel_profile=rel_profile.last_name, ) queryurl = self.query_base_url.format(query=search_query) queryurl += "&sortBy=submittedDate&sortOrder=descending&max_results=5" queryurl = queryurl.replace(" ", "+") # Call the API response_content = feedparser.parse(queryurl) "GET [{profile}] [request] | {url}".format( profile=profile.last_name, url=queryurl ) ) if self._search_result_present(response_content): for conflict in response_content["entries"]: coi, new = ConflictOfInterest.objects.get_or_create( header=conflict["title"], url=conflict["link"].replace("http:", "https:"), profile=profile, related_profile=rel_profile, type="coauthor", ) if submission: coi.related_submissions.add(submission) count += 1 if new else 0 "Found results | {response}.".format(response=response_content) ) return count