Source code for journals.models.submission_template

__copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"

from django.db import models

[docs]def submission_template_upload_path(instance, filename): return "uploads/templates/{0}/{1}/{2}".format( instance.journal.doi_label,, filename )
[docs]class SubmissionTemplate(models.Model): """ Document template for submission to a given journal. """ TYPE_LATEX_TGZ = "latex-tgz" TYPE_DOCX = "docx" TYPE_ODT = "odt" TYPE_CHOICES = ( (TYPE_LATEX_TGZ, "LaTeX (gzipped tarball)"), (TYPE_DOCX, "Office Open XML (.docx)"), (TYPE_ODT, "OpenDocument Text (.odt)"), ) journal = models.ForeignKey( "journals.Journal", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="templates" ) template_type = models.CharField( max_length=32, choices=TYPE_CHOICES, default=TYPE_LATEX_TGZ ) template_file = models.FileField( upload_to=submission_template_upload_path, max_length=256 ) date = models.DateField() instructions = models.TextField(default="[To be filled in; you can use markup]") class Meta: ordering = ["journal__doi_label", "date"] def __str__(self): return "Template for %s (%s) [%s]" % ( self.journal.doi_label, self.get_template_type_display(),, )