Source code for

from import BaseCommand
from django.conf import settings

from ...core import MailEngine
from ...models import MailLog

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): """ This sends the mails that are not processed, written to the database. """
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--id", type=int, required=False, help="The id in the `MailLog` table for a specific mail, Leave blank to send all", )
def _process_mail(self, mail): """ Render the templates for the mail if not done yet. """ engine = MailEngine(mail.mail_code, **mail.get_full_context()) message, html_message = engine.render_only() MailLog.objects.filter( body=message, body_html=html_message, status="rendered" )
[docs] def send_mails(self, mails): from django.core.mail import get_connection, EmailMultiAlternatives if hasattr(settings, "EMAIL_BACKEND_ORIGINAL"): backend = settings.EMAIL_BACKEND_ORIGINAL else: # Fallback to Django's default backend = "django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend" if backend == "mails.backends.filebased.ModelEmailBackend": raise AssertionError( "The `EMAIL_BACKEND_ORIGINAL` cannot be the ModelEmailBackend" ) connection = get_connection(backend=backend, fail_silently=False) count = 0 for db_mail in mails: if db_mail.status == "not_rendered": self._process_mail(db_mail) db_mail.refresh_from_db() mail = EmailMultiAlternatives( db_mail.subject, db_mail.body, db_mail.from_email, db_mail.to_recipients, bcc=db_mail.bcc_recipients, reply_to=(db_mail.from_email,), connection=connection, ) if db_mail.body_html: mail.attach_alternative(db_mail.body_html, "text/html") response = mail.send() if response: count += 1 db_mail.processed = True db_mail.status = "sent" return count
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): if options.get("id"): mails = MailLog.objects.filter(id=options["id"]) else: mails = MailLog.objects.not_sent().order_by("created")[:10] nr_mails = self.send_mails(mails) self.stdout.write("Sent {} mails.".format(nr_mails))