Source code for mails.mixins

__copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"

import time
import re
import json
import inspect
from html2text import HTML2Text

from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.conf import settings
from django.template import loader

from scipost.models import Contributor
from common.utils import get_current_domain

[docs]class MailUtilsMixin: """ This mixin takes care of inserting the default data into the Utils or Form. DEPRECATED """ instance = None mail_data = {} mail_template = "" html_message = "" message = "" original_recipient = "" mail_sent = False delayed_processing = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init an instance for a specific mail_code. Arguments: -- mail_code (str) -- subject (str) -- to (str): Email address or relation on the `instance`. Separated by comma. -- bcc_to (str, optional): Email address or relation on the `instance`. Separated by comma. -- instance: Instance of central object in email. -- from (str, optional): Plain email address. -- from_name (str, optional): Display name for from address. """ self.pre_validation(*args, **kwargs) super().__init__(*args)
[docs] def pre_validation(self, *args, **kwargs): """Validate the incoming data to initiate a specific mail.""" self.mail_code = kwargs.pop("mail_code") self.instance = kwargs.pop("instance", None) kwargs["object"] = self.instance # Similar template nomenclature as Django. self.mail_data = { "subject": kwargs.pop("subject", ""), "to_address": kwargs.pop("to", ""), "bcc_to": kwargs.pop("bcc", ""), "from_address_name": kwargs.pop("from_name", "SciPost"), "from_address": kwargs.pop( "from", "no-reply@%s" % get_current_domain() ), } # Gather meta data json_location = "%s/templates/email/%s.json" % ( settings.BASE_DIR, self.mail_code, ) try: self.mail_data.update(json.loads(open(json_location).read())) except OSError: if not self.mail_data["subject"]: raise NotImplementedError( ( "You did not create a valid .html and .json file " "for mail_code: %s" % self.mail_code ) ) # Save central object/instance if not already self.instance = self.get_object(**kwargs) # Digest the templates if not self.delayed_processing: mail_template = loader.get_template("email/%s.html" % self.mail_code) if self.instance and self.mail_data.get("context_object"): kwargs[self.mail_data["context_object"]] = self.instance self.mail_template = mail_template.render(kwargs) # Damn slow. # Gather Recipients data try: self.original_recipient = self._validate_single_entry( self.mail_data.get("to_address") )[0] except IndexError: self.original_recipient = "" self.subject = self.mail_data["subject"]
[docs] def get_object(self, **kwargs): if self.instance: return self.instance if self.mail_data.get("context_object"): return kwargs.get(self.mail_data["context_object"], None)
def _validate_single_entry(self, entry): """ entry -- raw email string or path or properties leading to email mail field Returns a list of email addresses found. """ if entry and self.instance: if re.match("[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", entry): # Email string return [entry] else: mail_to = self.instance for attr in entry.split("."): try: mail_to = getattr(mail_to, attr) if inspect.ismethod(mail_to): mail_to = mail_to() except AttributeError: # Invalid property/mail return [] if not isinstance(mail_to, list): return [mail_to] else: return mail_to elif re.match("[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", entry): return [entry] else: return []
[docs] def validate_bcc_list(self): """ bcc_to in the .json file may contain multiple raw email addreses or property paths to an email field. The different entries need to be comma separated. """ # Get recipients list. Try to send through BCC to prevent privacy issues! self.bcc_list = [] if self.mail_data.get("bcc_to"): for bcc_entry in self.mail_data["bcc_to"].split(","): self.bcc_list += self._validate_single_entry(bcc_entry)
[docs] def validate_recipients(self): # Check the send list if isinstance(self.original_recipient, list): recipients = self.original_recipient elif not isinstance(self.original_recipient, str): try: recipients = list(self.original_recipient) except TypeError: recipients = [self.original_recipient] else: recipients = [self.original_recipient] recipients = list(recipients) # Check if email needs to be taken from an instance _recipients = [] for recipient in recipients: if isinstance(recipient, Contributor): _recipients.append( elif isinstance(recipient, get_user_model()): _recipients.append( elif isinstance(recipient, str): _recipients.append(recipient) self.recipients = _recipients
[docs] def validate_message(self): if not self.html_message: self.html_message = self.mail_template handler = HTML2Text() self.message = handler.handle(self.html_message)
[docs] def validate(self): """Execute different validation methods. Only to be used when the default data is used, eg. not in the EmailTemplateForm. """ self.validate_message() self.validate_bcc_list() self.validate_recipients() self.save_mail_data()
[docs] def save_mail_data(self): """Save mail validated mail data; update default values of mail data.""" self.mail_data.update( { "subject": self.subject, "message": self.message, "html_message": self.html_message, "recipients": self.recipients, "bcc_list": self.bcc_list, } )
[docs] def set_alternative_sender(self, from_name, from_address): """TODO: REMOVE; DEPRECATED Set an alternative from address/name from the default values received from the json config file. The arguments only take raw string data, no methods/properties! """ self.mail_data["from_address_name"] = from_name self.mail_data["from_address"] = from_address
[docs] def send(self): """Send the mail assuming `mail_data` is validated and complete.""" if self.mail_sent: # Prevent double sending when using a Django form. return email = EmailMultiAlternatives( self.mail_data["subject"], self.mail_data["message"], "%s <%s>" % (self.mail_data["from_address_name"], self.mail_data["from_address"]), self.mail_data["recipients"], bcc=self.mail_data["bcc_list"], reply_to=[self.mail_data["from_address"]], headers={ "delayed_processing": self.delayed_processing, "content_object": self.get_object(), "mail_code": self.mail_code, }, ) # Send html version if available if "html_message" in self.mail_data: email.attach_alternative(self.mail_data["html_message"], "text/html") email.send(fail_silently=False) self.mail_sent = True if self.instance and hasattr(self.instance, "mail_sent"): self.instance.mail_sent()