Source code for markup.utils

__copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"

import bleach
from docutils.core import publish_parts
import markdown
from io import StringIO
import re

from django.template.defaultfilters import linebreaksbr
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

from .constants import (

# Inline or displayed math
[docs]def match_inline_math(text): """Return first match object of regex search for inline math ``$...$`` or ``\(...\)``.""" match ="\$[^$]+\$", text) if match: return match return"\\\(.+\\\)", text)
[docs]def match_displayed_math(text): """Return first match object of regex search for displayed math ``$$...$$`` or ``\[...\]``.""" match ="\$\$.+\$\$", text, re.DOTALL) if match: return match return"\\\[.+\\\]", text, re.DOTALL)
# Headers
[docs]def match_md_header(text, level=None): """ Return first match object of regex search for Markdown headers in form #{level,}. If not level is given, all levels 1 to 6 are checked, returning the first match or None. """ if not level: for newlevel in range(1, 7): match = match_md_header(text, newlevel) if match: return match return None if not isinstance(level, int): raise TypeError("level must be an int") if level < 1 or level > 6: raise ValueError("level must be an integer from 1 to 6") return"^#{" + str(level) + ",}[ ].+$", text, re.MULTILINE)
[docs]def match_rst_header(text, symbol=None): """ Return first match object of regex search for reStructuredText header. Python conventions are followed, namely that ``#`` and ``*`` headers have both over and underline (of equal length, so faulty ones are not matched), while the others (``=``, ``-``, ``"`` and ``^``) only have the underline. """ if not symbol: for newsymbol in ["#", "*", "=", "-", '"', "^"]: # explicit checking order match = match_rst_header(text, newsymbol) if match: return match return None if symbol not in ReST_HEADER_REGEX_DICT.keys(): raise ValueError("symbol is not a ReST header symbol") return[symbol], text, re.MULTILINE)
# Blockquotes
[docs]def match_md_blockquote(text): """Return first match of regex search for Markdown blockquote.""" return"(^[ ]*>[ ].+){1,5}", text, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
# Hyperlinks # reStructuredText roles and directives
[docs]def match_rst_role(text, role=None): """ Return first match object of regex search for given ReST role :role:... . If no role is given, all roles in ReST_ROLES are tested one by one. """ if not role: for newrole in ReST_ROLES: match = match_rst_role(text, newrole) if match: return match return None if role not in ReST_ROLES: raise ValueError("this role is not listed in ReST roles") return":" + role + ":`.+`", text)
[docs]def match_rst_directive(text, directive=None): """ Return first match object of regex search for given ReST directive. If no directive is given, all directives in ReST_DIRECTIVES are tested one by one. The first one to three lines after the directive statement are also captured. """ if not directive: for newdirective in ReST_DIRECTIVES: match = match_rst_directive(text, newdirective) if match: return match return None if directive not in ReST_DIRECTIVES: raise ValueError("this directive is not listed in ReST directives") return r"^\.\. " + directive + "::(.+)*(\n(.+)*){1,3}", text, re.MULTILINE )
# Lists
[docs]def match_md_unordered_list(text): """Return first match of Markdown list (excluding ReST-shared * pattern).""" return"(^[\s]*[+-][ ].+$[\n]*){1,3}", text, re.MULTILINE)
[docs]def match_md_or_rst_unordered_list(text): """Return first match of Markdown/ReST unordered list using shared * marker.""" return"(^[\s]*[\*][ ].+$[\n]*){1,3}", text, re.MULTILINE)
[docs]def match_md_or_rst_ordered_list(text): """Return the first match of Markdown/ReST ordered list (using numbers).""" return"(^[\s]*[0-9]+.[ ].+$[\n]*){1,3}", text, re.MULTILINE)
[docs]def match_rst_ordered_list(text): return"(^[\s]*[#]\.[ ].+$[\n]*){1,3}", text, re.MULTILINE)
[docs]def check_markers(markers): """ Checks the consistency of a markers dictionary. Returns a detector. """ markers_cut = {} for key, val in markers.items(): markers_cut[key] = {} for key2, val2 in val.items(): if val2: markers_cut[key][key2] = val2 if len(markers_cut["rst"]) > 0: if len(markers_cut["md"]) > 0: return { "language": "plain", "errors": ( "Inconsistency: Markdown and reStructuredText syntaxes are mixed:\n\n" "Markdown: %s\n\nreStructuredText: %s" % (markers_cut["md"].popitem(), markers_cut["rst"].popitem()) ), } elif len(markers_cut["plain_or_md"]) > 0: return { "language": "plain", "errors": ( "Inconsistency: plain/Markdown and reStructuredText " "syntaxes are mixed:\n\n" "Markdown: %s\n\nreStructuredText: %s" % ( markers_cut["plain_or_md"].popitem(), markers_cut["rst"].popitem(), ) ), } return { "language": "reStructuredText", "errors": None, } elif len(markers_cut["md"]) > 0: return { "language": "Markdown", "errors": None, } elif ( len(markers_cut["md_or_rst"]) > 0 ): # markup, but indeterminate; assume Markdown return { "language": "Markdown", "errors": None, } return { "language": "plain", "errors": None, }
[docs]def detect_markup_language(text): """ Detect whether text is plain text, Markdown or reStructuredText. This method returns a dictionary containing: * language * errors Inline and displayed maths are assumed enabled through MathJax. For plain text and Markdown, this assumes the conventions * inline: $ ... $ and \( ... \) * displayed: $$ ... $$ and \[ ... \] while for reStructuredText, the ``math`` role and directive are used. We define markers, and indicator. A marker is a regex which occurs in only one of the languages. An indicator occurs in more than one, but not all languages. Language markers: Markdown: * headers: [one or more #] [non-empty text] * blockquotes: one or more lines starting with > [non-empty text] reStructuredText: * use of the :math: role or .. math: directive * [two or more #][blank space][carriage return] [text on a single line, as long as or shorter than # sequence] [same length of #] * same thing but for * headlines * other header markers (=, -, \" and \^) * use of any other role * use of any other directive Language indicators: Plain text or Markdown: * inline or displayed maths Markdown or reStructuredText: * [=]+ alone on a line <- users discouraged to use this in Markdown * [-]+ alone on a line <- users discouraged to use this in Markdown Exclusions (sources of errors): * inline or displayed maths cannot be used in ReST Any simultaneously present markers to two different languages return an error. Checking order: * maths * headers/blockquotes * hyperlinks * rst roles * rst directives """ if not text: return { "language": "plain", "errors": None, } markers = { "plain_or_md": {}, "md": {}, "md_or_rst": {}, "rst": {}, } # Maths # Inline maths is of the form $ ... $ or \( ... \) markers["plain_or_md"]["inline_math"] = match_inline_math(text) # Displayed maths is of the form \[ ... \] or $$ ... $$ markers["plain_or_md"]["displayed_math"] = match_displayed_math(text) # For rst, check math role and directive markers["rst"]["math_role"] = match_rst_role(text, "math") markers["rst"]["math_directive"] = match_rst_directive(text, "math") # Headers and blockquotes markers["md"]["header"] = match_md_header(text) markers["md"]["blockquote"] = match_md_blockquote(text) markers["rst"]["header"] = match_rst_header(text) # Lists markers["md"]["unordered_list"] = match_md_unordered_list(text) markers["md_or_rst"]["unordered_list"] = match_md_or_rst_unordered_list(text) markers["md_or_rst"]["ordered_list"] = match_md_or_rst_ordered_list(text) markers["rst"]["ordered_list"] = match_rst_ordered_list(text) # Hyperrefs markers["md"]["href_inline"] = match_md_hyperlink_inline(text) markers["md"]["href_reference"] = match_md_hyperlink_reference(text) markers["rst"]["href_inline"] = match_rst_hyperlink_inline(text) markers["rst"]["href_reference"] = match_rst_hyperlink_reference(text) # ReST roles and directives markers["rst"]["role"] = match_rst_role(text) markers["rst"]["directive"] = match_rst_directive(text) detector = check_markers(markers) return detector
[docs]def apply_markdown_preserving_displayed_maths_bracket(text): """ Subsidiary function called by ``apply_markdown_preserving_displayed_maths``. See explanations in docstring of that method. """ part = text.partition(r"\[") part2 = part[2].partition(r"\]") return "%s%s%s%s%s" % ( markdown.markdown(part[0], extensions=["attr_list"], output_format="html5"), part[1], part2[0], part2[1], apply_markdown_preserving_displayed_maths_bracket(part2[2]) if len(part2[2]) > 0 else "", )
[docs]def apply_markdown_preserving_displayed_maths(text): """ Processes the string text by first splitting out displayed maths, then applying Markdown on the non-displayed math parts. Both ``$$ ... $$`` and ``\[ ... \]`` are recognized, so a double recursive logic is used, first dealing with the ``$$ ... $$`` and then with the ``\[ .. \]``. See the complementary method ``apply_markdown_preserving_displayed_maths_bracket``. """ part = text.partition("$$") part2 = part[2].partition("$$") return "%s%s%s%s%s" % ( apply_markdown_preserving_displayed_maths_bracket(part[0]), part[1], part2[0], part2[1], apply_markdown_preserving_displayed_maths(part2[2]) if len(part2[2]) > 0 else "", )
[docs]def process_markup(text, language_forced=None, include_errors=False): """ Process a text in a markup language into HTML. The markup language used is auto-detected. Supported: plain text, reStructuredTest, Markdown. Parameters: * `language_forced=None`: override language auto-detection """ markup_detector = detect_markup_language(text) markup = {"language": "plain", "errors": None, "warnings": None, "processed": ""} if language_forced and language_forced != markup_detector["language"]: markup["warnings"] = ( "Warning: markup language was forced to %s, while the detected one was %s." ) % (language_forced, markup_detector["language"]) language = language_forced if language_forced else markup_detector["language"] markup["language"] = language markup["errors"] = markup_detector["errors"] if markup["errors"]: error_msg = ( '<span style="color: red;">Errors in user-supplied markup ' "(flagged; corrections coming soon)</span><br><br>" ) if include_errors: error_msg = ( '<span style="color: red;">Errors in user-supplied markup<br><br>' "%s</span><br><br>" ) % linebreaksbr(markup["errors"]) markup["processed"] = mark_safe(error_msg + linebreaksbr(text)) return markup if language == "reStructuredText": warnStream = StringIO() try: parts = publish_parts( source=text, writer_name="html5_polyglot", settings_overrides={ "math_output": "MathJax,Safe", "initial_header_level": 1, "doctitle_xform": False, "raw_enabled": False, "file_insertion_enabled": False, "warning_stream": warnStream, }, ) markup["processed"] = mark_safe(force_text(parts["html_body"])) except: markup["errors"] = warnStream.getvalue() elif language == "Markdown": markup["processed"] = mark_safe( bleach.clean( apply_markdown_preserving_displayed_maths(text), tags=BLEACH_ALLOWED_TAGS, attributes=BLEACH_ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES, ) ) else: markup["processed"] = linebreaksbr(text) return markup