Source code for organizations.managers

__copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"

import datetime

from django.db import models

[docs]class OrganizationQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
[docs] def all_sponsors(self): """ All Organizations which have subsidized SciPost at least once in the past. """ return self.filter(subsidy__amount__gte=0)
[docs] def current_sponsors(self): """ Organizations which have a Subsidy which is ongoing (date_until <= today). """ return self.filter(
[docs] def with_subsidy_above_and_up_to(self, min_amount, max_amount=None): """ List of sponsors with at least one subsidy above parameter:amount. """ qs = self.annotate(max_subsidy=models.Max("subsidy__amount")).filter( max_subsidy__gte=min_amount ) if max_amount: qs = qs.filter(max_subsidy__lt=max_amount) return qs
[docs] def order_by_total_amount_received(self): """ Order by (decreasing) total amount received. """ return self.annotate(total=models.Sum("subsidy__amount")).order_by("-total")