Source code for profiles.managers

__copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"

from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Count, Q
from django.db.models.functions import Concat, Lower
from django.utils import timezone

[docs]class ProfileQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
[docs] def get_unique_from_email_or_None(self, email): try: return self.get(emails__email=email) except self.model.DoesNotExist: pass except self.model.MultipleObjectsReturned: pass return None
[docs] def potential_duplicates(self): """ Returns only potential duplicate Profiles (as identified by first and last names, and separately by (case-insensitive) email). """ # Start by treating name duplicates, excluding marked Profile non-duplicates from .models import ProfileNonDuplicates profiles = self.annotate(full_name=Concat("last_name", "first_name")) nonduplicate_full_names = [ dup.full_name for dup in ProfileNonDuplicates.objects.all() ] duplicates_by_full_name = ( profiles.values("full_name") .annotate(nr_count=Count("full_name")) .filter(nr_count__gt=1) .exclude(full_name__in=nonduplicate_full_names) ) from .models import ProfileEmail # Now for email duplicates. Because of case-insensitivity, we need some gymnastics pel = ProfileEmail.objects.annotate(email_lower=Lower("email")) # Build list of all duplicate lowercased emails duplicate_emails = [ pe["email_lower"] for pe in pel.values("email_lower") .annotate(nel=Count("email_lower")) .filter(nel__gt=1) ] # Then determine all ids of related Profiles with an email in this list ids_of_duplicates_by_email = [ for pe in pel.filter(email_lower__in=duplicate_emails) ] # Now return list of potential duplicates return profiles.filter( models.Q( full_name__in=[item["full_name"] for item in duplicates_by_full_name] ) | models.Q(id__in=ids_of_duplicates_by_email) ).order_by("last_name", "first_name", "-id")
[docs] def specialties_overlap(self, specialties_slug_list): """ Returns all Profiles whose specialties overlap with those specified in the slug list. This method is also separately implemented for Contributor and PotentialFellowship objects. """ return self.filter(specialties__slug__in=specialties_slug_list)
[docs]class AffiliationQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
[docs] def current(self): """ Return affiliations which are currently valid. """ today = return self.filter( Q(date_from__lte=today, date_until__isnull=True) | Q(date_from__isnull=True, date_until__gte=today) | Q(date_from__lte=today, date_until__gte=today) | Q(date_from__isnull=True, date_until__isnull=True) )