Source code for submissions.refereeing_cycles

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016-2018, Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"

import datetime
import json

from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.html import format_html, format_html_join, html_safe

from scipost.utils import build_absolute_uri_using_site

from . import constants

[docs]@html_safe class RequiredActionsDict(dict): """ A collection of required actions. The required action, meant for the editors-in-charge know how to display itself in various formats. Dictionary keys are the action-codes, the values are the texts to present to the user. """
[docs] def as_data(self): return {f: e.as_data() for f, e in self.items()}
[docs] def as_list_text(self): return [e.__str__() for e in self.values()]
[docs] def get_json_data(self, escape_html=False): return {f: e.get_json_data(escape_html) for f, e in self.items()}
[docs] def as_json(self, escape_html=False): return json.dumps(self.get_json_data(escape_html))
[docs] def as_ul(self): if not self: return '<div class="no-actions-msg">No required actions.</div>' return format_html( '<ul class="actions-list">{}</ul>', format_html_join("", "<li>{}</li>", self.values()), )
[docs] def as_text(self): return " ".join([action.as_text() for action in self.values()])
def __getitem__(self, action): return super().__getitem__( def __setitem__(self, action, val): super().__setitem__(, val) def __contains__(self, value): return in list(self.keys()) def __str__(self): return self.as_ul()
[docs]class BaseAction: """An item in the RequiredActionsDict dictionary for the Submission refereeing cycle.""" txt = "" url = "#" url2 = "#" submission = None def __init__(self, object=None, **kwargs): self._objects = [object] if object else [] = ( "%s.%i" % (object.__class__.__name__, if object else self.__class__.__name__ ) def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, def _format_text(self, text, obj=None): if obj is None and self._objects: obj = self._objects[0] timedelta = datetime.timedelta() deadline = datetime.timedelta() if hasattr(obj, "date_invited") and obj.date_invited: timedelta = - obj.date_invited if hasattr(obj, "submission"): print deadline = obj.submission.reporting_deadline - return text.format( count=len(self._objects), object=obj.__class__.__name__, if hasattr(obj, "author") and else "", referee=obj.referee_str if hasattr(obj, "referee_str") else "", days=timedelta.days, deadline=deadline.days, deadline_min=-deadline.days, url=self.url, url2=self.url2, )
[docs] def as_text(self): return " ".join([e for e in self])
def __iter__(self): if self._objects: for obj in self._objects: yield format_html(self._format_text(self.txt, obj=obj)) else: yield format_html(self._format_text(self.txt)) def __str__(self): return self.as_text()
[docs]class VettingAction(BaseAction): txt = '{author} has delivered a {object}. <a href="{url}">Please vet it</a>.' @property def url(self): return "{}#current-contributions".format( build_absolute_uri_using_site( reverse( "submissions:editorial_page", args=(self.submission.preprint.identifier_w_vn_nr,), ) ) )
[docs]class NoRefereeResponseAction(BaseAction): txt = ( "Referee {referee} has not responded for {days} days." " Consider sending a reminder or cancelling the invitation." )
[docs]class DeadlineAction(BaseAction): txt = ( "Referee {referee} has accepted to send a Report " "(with {deadline} days left), but not yet delivered it. Consider sending a reminder." )
[docs]class OverdueAction(BaseAction): txt = ( "Referee {referee} has accepted to send a Report " "({deadline_min} days overdue), but not yet delivered it. Consider sending a reminder." )
[docs]class ChoiceCycleAction(BaseAction): txt = "Choose the submission cycle to proceed with."
[docs]class NoEICRecommendationAction(BaseAction): needs_referees = False @property def txt(self): if self.needs_referees: txt = ( "The refereeing deadline has passed and you have received no Reports yet." ' Please <a href="{url}">extend the reporting deadline</a> ' "and consider sending a reminder to your referees." ) else: txt = ( "The refereeing deadline has passed. Please either " '<a href="{url}">extend it</a>, ' 'or <a href="{url2}">formulate your Editorial Recommendation</a>.' ) return txt @property def url(self): return "{}#reporting-deadline".format( build_absolute_uri_using_site( reverse( "submissions:editorial_page", args=(self.submission.preprint.identifier_w_vn_nr,), ) ) ) @property def url2(self): return build_absolute_uri_using_site( reverse( "submissions:eic_recommendation", args=(self.submission.preprint.identifier_w_vn_nr,), ) )
[docs]class NeedRefereesAction(BaseAction): def __init__(self, object=None, **kwargs): self.minimum_number_of_referees = kwargs.pop("minimum_number_of_referees") self.current_number_of_referees = kwargs.pop("current_number_of_referees") super().__init__(object, **kwargs) @property def txt(self): if self.current_number_of_referees == 0: text = "No Referees have yet been invited." elif self.current_number_of_referees == 1: text = "Only 1 Referee has yet been invited." else: text = ( "Only %i Referees have yet been invited." % self.current_number_of_referees ) text += ' At least {minimum} should be. <a href="{url}">Invite a referee here</a>.'.format( minimum=self.minimum_number_of_referees, url=build_absolute_uri_using_site( reverse( "submissions:select_referee", args=(self.submission.preprint.identifier_w_vn_nr,), ) ), ) return text
[docs]class BaseCycle: """A base blueprint for the Submission refereeing cycle. The refereeing process may be defined differently for every cycle class by its own specific properties. The cycle class will then take care of the required actions, permissions and the overall refereeing process. """ days_for_refereeing = 28 can_invite_referees = True def __init__(self, submission): self._submission = submission self._required_actions = None @property def required_actions(self): if self._required_actions is None: self.update_required_actions() return self._required_actions @property def minimum_number_of_referees(self): if ( self._submission.proceedings and self._submission.proceedings.minimum_referees ): return self._submission.proceedings.minimum_referees return 3 # Three by default
[docs] def has_required_actions(self): return bool(self.required_actions)
[docs] def add_action(self, action): if action not in self.required_actions: self.required_actions[action] = action self.required_actions[action].submission = self._submission
[docs] def update_required_actions(self): """Gather the required actions list and populate self._required_actions.""" self._required_actions = RequiredActionsDict() if not self._submission.refereeing_cycle: # Submission is a resubmission: EIC has to determine which cycle to proceed with. self.add_action(ChoiceCycleAction()) return # If no cycle is chosen. Make this a first priority! # The EIC is late with formulating a Recommendation. if self._submission.eic_recommendation_required: if self._submission.reporting_deadline_has_passed: action = NoEICRecommendationAction() action.needs_referees = ( not self._submission.reports.non_draft().exists() ) self.add_action(action) # Comments requiring vetting (including replies and recursive comments) comments_to_vet = self._submission.comments_set_complete().awaiting_vetting() for comment in comments_to_vet: self.add_action(VettingAction(comment)) reports_to_vet = self._submission.reports.awaiting_vetting() for report in reports_to_vet: self.add_action(VettingAction(report)) if self.can_invite_referees and self._submission.in_refereeing_phase: # Referees required in this cycle. referee_invitations_count = ( self._submission.referee_invitations.non_cancelled().count() ) # The current number of referees does not meet the minimum number of referees yet. if referee_invitations_count < self.minimum_number_of_referees: self.add_action( NeedRefereesAction( current_number_of_referees=referee_invitations_count, minimum_number_of_referees=self.minimum_number_of_referees, ) ) referee_invitations = self._submission.referee_invitations.needs_attention() for referee_invitation in referee_invitations: if referee_invitation.needs_response: # Invited, but no response self.add_action(NoRefereeResponseAction(referee_invitation)) elif referee_invitation.is_overdue: self.add_action(OverdueAction(referee_invitation)) elif referee_invitation.needs_fulfillment_reminder: self.add_action(DeadlineAction(referee_invitation))
[docs] def as_text(self): """Return a *short* description of the current status of the submission cycle.""" texts = [] recommendation = if recommendation: texts.append("Thank you for formulating your Editorial Recommendation.") if recommendation.status == constants.VOTING_IN_PREP: texts.append( "The Editorial Administration is now preparing it for voting." ) elif recommendation.status == constants.PUT_TO_VOTING: texts.append("It is now put to voting in the college.") if self._submission.status == constants.STATUS_RESUBMITTED: new_sub_id = ( self._submission.get_latest_version().preprint.identifier_w_vn_nr ) txt = ( "The Submission has been resubmitted as {identifier}," ' <a href="{url}">go to its editorial page</a>.' ) texts.append( txt.format( url=reverse("submissions:editorial_page", args=(new_sub_id,)), identifier=new_sub_id, ) ) elif self._submission.status == constants.STATUS_ACCEPTED: texts.append( "The SciPost production team is working on the proofs for publication." ) elif self._submission.status == constants.STATUS_REJECTED: texts.append("The Submission is rejected for publication.") elif self._submission.status == constants.STATUS_WITHDRAWN: texts.append("The authors have withdrawn the Submission.") elif self._submission.status == constants.STATUS_PUBLISHED: texts.append( 'The Submission has been published as <a href="{url}">{doi}</a>.'.format( url=self._submission.publication.get_absolute_url(), doi=self._submission.publication.doi_label, ) ) elif self._submission.status == constants.STATUS_EIC_ASSIGNED: if not self._submission.in_refereeing_phase: if recommendation: texts.append("The refereeing round is closed.") else: texts.append( ( "The refereeing round is closed " "and you have not formulated an Editorial Recommendation." ) ) if not self.required_actions and not texts: texts.append("No action required.") elif self.required_actions: texts.append("<strong>Please see your required actions below.</strong>") return format_html(" ".join(texts))
def __str__(self): return self.as_text()
[docs] def reset_refereeing_round(self): """ Set the Submission status to EIC_ASSIGNED and reset the reporting deadline. """ from .models import Submission # Prevent circular import errors if self._submission.status in [ constants.STATUS_INCOMING, constants.STATUS_UNASSIGNED, ]: Submission.objects.filter( status=constants.STATUS_EIC_ASSIGNED ) deadline = + datetime.timedelta(days=self.days_for_refereeing) Submission.objects.filter( reporting_deadline=deadline )
[docs] def reinvite_referees(self, referees): """ Duplicate and reset RefereeInvitations and send `reinvite` mail. referees - (list of) RefereeInvitation instances """ from mails.utils import DirectMailUtil # SubmissionUtils.load({'submission': self._submission}) for referee in referees: invitation = referee = None # Duplicate, do not remove the old invitation invitation.submission = self._submission invitation.reset_content() invitation.date_invited = mail_sender = DirectMailUtil( "referees/reinvite_contributor_to_referee", invitation=invitation ) mail_sender.send_mail()
[docs]class RegularCycle(BaseCycle): pass
[docs]class ShortCycle(BaseCycle): """ Short (two weeks) version of the regular refereeing cycle, used for resubmissions on request by the editor. """ days_for_refereeing = 14 @property def minimum_number_of_referees(self): return 1
[docs]class DirectCycle(BaseCycle): """ Refereeing cycle without refereeing. The editor directly formulates an EICRecommendation. """ can_invite_referees = False
[docs] def update_required_actions(self): """Gather the required actions list and populate self._required_actions.""" super().update_required_actions() # Always show `EICRec required` action disregarding the refereeing deadline. if self._submission.eic_recommendation_required: self.add_action(NoEICRecommendationAction())