Source code for theses.tests.test_views

__copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"

import re

from django.core import mail
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.test import TestCase, RequestFactory
from django.test.client import Client
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from django.urls import reverse, reverse_lazy
from import FallbackStorage

from scipost.factories import UserFactory, ContributorFactory
from comments.factories import CommentFactory
from comments.forms import CommentForm
from comments.models import Comment
from ..views import RequestThesisLink, VetThesisLink, thesis_detail
from ..factories import ThesisLinkFactory, ThesisLinkFactory, VetThesisLinkFormFactory
from ..models import ThesisLink
from ..forms import VetThesisLinkForm
from common.helpers import model_form_data
from common.helpers.test import add_groups_and_permissions

[docs]class TestThesisDetail(TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): add_groups_and_permissions()
[docs] def test_visits_valid_thesis_detail(self): """A visitor does not have to be logged in to view a thesis link.""" thesis_link = ThesisLinkFactory() client = Client() target = reverse("theses:thesis", kwargs={"thesislink_id":}) response = self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
[docs]class TestVetThesisLinkRequests(TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): add_groups_and_permissions() ContributorFactory.create_batch(5) self.client = Client() self.thesislink = ThesisLinkFactory() = reverse( "theses:vet_thesislink", kwargs={"pk":} )
[docs] def test_response_when_not_logged_in(self): response = self.client.get( self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 403)
[docs] def test_response_regular_contributor(self): """ A Contributor needs to be in the Vetting Editors group to be able to vet submitted thesis links. """ request = RequestFactory().get( user = UserFactory() request.user = user self.assertRaises( PermissionDenied, VetThesisLink.as_view(), request, )
[docs] def test_response_vetting_editor(self): request = RequestFactory().get( user = UserFactory() user.groups.add(Group.objects.get(name="Vetting Editors")) request.user = user response = VetThesisLink.as_view()(request, self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# 2020-09-29 FAILS # def test_thesislink_is_vetted_by_correct_contributor_and_mail_is_sent(self): # contributor = ContributorFactory() # contributor.user.groups.add(Group.objects.get(name="Vetting Editors")) # request = RequestFactory().get( # request.user = contributor.user # post_data = model_form_data(ThesisLinkFactory(), VetThesisLinkForm) # post_data["action_option"] = VetThesisLinkForm.ACCEPT # target = reverse('theses:vet_thesislink', kwargs={'pk':}) # print("post_data:\n\t%s" % post_data) # request = RequestFactory().post(target, post_data) # request.user = contributor.user # # I don't know what the following three lines do, but they help make a RequestFactory # # work with the messages middleware # setattr(request, 'session', 'session') # messages = FallbackStorage(request) # setattr(request, '_messages', messages) # response = VetThesisLink.as_view()(request, # print("response:\n\t%s" % response) # self.thesislink.refresh_from_db() # self.assertEqual(self.thesislink.vetted_by, contributor) # self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1) # self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].subject, 'SciPost Thesis Link activated') # 2020-09-29 FAILS # def test_thesislink_that_is_refused_is_deleted_and_mail_is_sent(self): # contributor = ContributorFactory() # contributor.user.groups.add(Group.objects.get(name="Vetting Editors")) # request = RequestFactory().get( # request.user = contributor.user # post_data = model_form_data(ThesisLinkFactory(), VetThesisLinkForm) # post_data["action_option"] = VetThesisLinkForm.REFUSE # post_data["refusal_reason"] = VetThesisLinkForm.ALREADY_EXISTS # post_data["justification"] = "This thesis already exists." # target = reverse('theses:vet_thesislink', kwargs={'pk':}) # request = RequestFactory().post(target, post_data) # request.user = contributor.user # # I don't know what the following three lines do, but they help make a RequestFactory # # work with the messages middleware # setattr(request, 'session', 'session') # messages = FallbackStorage(request) # setattr(request, '_messages', messages) # response = VetThesisLink.as_view()(request, # self.assertEqual(ThesisLink.objects.filter(, 0) # self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1) # self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].subject, 'SciPost Thesis Link') # 2020-09-29 FAILS # def test_thesislink_is_vetted_by_correct_contributor_and_mail_is_sent_when_modified(self): # contributor = ContributorFactory() # contributor.user.groups.add(Group.objects.get(name="Vetting Editors")) # request = RequestFactory().get( # request.user = contributor.user # post_data = model_form_data(ThesisLinkFactory(), VetThesisLinkForm) # post_data["action_option"] = VetThesisLinkForm.MODIFY # target = reverse('theses:vet_thesislink', kwargs={'pk':}) # request = RequestFactory().post(target, post_data) # request.user = contributor.user # # I don't know what the following three lines do, but they help make a RequestFactory # # work with the messages middleware # setattr(request, 'session', 'session') # messages = FallbackStorage(request) # setattr(request, '_messages', messages) # response = VetThesisLink.as_view()(request, # self.thesislink.refresh_from_db() # self.assertEqual(self.thesislink.vetted_by, contributor) # self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1) # self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[0].subject, 'SciPost Thesis Link activated')
[docs]class TestTheses(TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): add_groups_and_permissions() self.client = Client() = reverse("theses:theses")
[docs] def test_empty_search_query(self): thesislink = ThesisLinkFactory() response = self.client.get( search_results = response.context["object_list"] self.assertTrue(thesislink in search_results)
[docs] def test_search_query_on_author(self): thesislink = ThesisLinkFactory() other_thesislink = ThesisLinkFactory() form_data = {"author":} response = self.client.get(, form_data) search_results = response.context["object_list"] self.assertTrue(thesislink in search_results) self.assertTrue(other_thesislink not in search_results) self.assertEqual(len(search_results), 1)