colleges.models.nomination module

class colleges.models.nomination.FellowshipNomination(id, college, profile, nominated_by, nominated_on, nominator_comments, fellowship)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.ManagerFromFellowshipNominationQuerySet object>
add_event(description='', by=None)[source]
property ongoing_voting_round
property latest_voting_round
property decision_blocks

List of blocking facts (if any) preventing fixing a decision.

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

get_next_by_nominated_on(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: nominated_on>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
get_previous_by_nominated_on(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: nominated_on>, is_next=False, **kwargs)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

class colleges.models.nomination.FellowshipNominationEvent(id, nomination, description, on, by)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned

get_next_by_on(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: on>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
get_previous_by_on(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: on>, is_next=False, **kwargs)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
class colleges.models.nomination.FellowshipNominationComment(id, nomination, by, text, on)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned

get_next_by_on(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: on>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
get_previous_by_on(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: on>, is_next=False, **kwargs)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
class colleges.models.nomination.FellowshipNominationVotingRound(id, nomination, voting_opens, voting_deadline)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.ManagerFromFellowshipNominationVotingRoundQuerySet object>
exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned

get_next_by_voting_deadline(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: voting_deadline>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
get_next_by_voting_opens(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: voting_opens>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
get_previous_by_voting_deadline(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: voting_deadline>, is_next=False, **kwargs)
get_previous_by_voting_opens(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: voting_opens>, is_next=False, **kwargs)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

class colleges.models.nomination.FellowshipNominationVote(id, voting_round, fellow, vote, on)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

VOTE_AGREE = 'agree'
VOTE_ABSTAIN = 'abstain'
VOTE_DISAGREE = 'disagree'
VOTE_CHOICES = (('agree', 'Agree'), ('abstain', 'Abstain'), ('disagree', 'Disagree'))

Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.ManagerFromFellowshipNominationVoteQuerySet object>
exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned

get_vote_display(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.CharField: vote>)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

class colleges.models.nomination.FellowshipNominationDecision(id, nomination, outcome, fixed_on, comments)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.

OUTCOME_NOT_ELECTED = 'notelected'
OUTCOME_CHOICES = (('elected', 'Elected'), ('notelected', 'Not elected'))

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

property elected
exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned

get_next_by_fixed_on(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: fixed_on>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
get_outcome_display(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.CharField: outcome>)
get_previous_by_fixed_on(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: fixed_on>, is_next=False, **kwargs)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
class colleges.models.nomination.FellowshipInvitation(id, nomination, invited_on, response, postpone_start_to, comments)[source]

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

RESPONSE_NOT_YET_INVITED = 'notyetinvited'
RESPONSE_CHOICES = (('notyetinvited', 'Not yet invited'), ('invited', 'Invited'), ('reinvited', 'Reinvited'), ('multireinvited', 'Multiply reinvited'), ('unresponsive', 'Unresponsive'), ('accepted', 'Accepted, for immediate start'), ('postponed', 'Accepted, but start date postponed'), ('declined', 'Declined'))

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

property declined
exception DoesNotExist

Bases: django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: django.core.exceptions.MultipleObjectsReturned

get_response_display(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.CharField: response>)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>